Monday 12 June 2017

Do you have what it takes to have 2u2?

Do you have what it takes to look after two small children under the age of two? Take this quiz to find out!

1)    Do you see sleep as something that is nice to have occasionally rather than essential to health and wellness?
2)    Do you enjoy being put in high pressure situations? For example having two small children screaming at you simultaneously and having to decide which one to attend to and which one you can leave without causing too much psychological damage.
3)    Do you love changing nappies? Like really love it. Like love it so much you are willing to do it every hour of every day.
4)    Do you enjoy cold coffee?
5)    Do you find silence suspicious rather than golden?
6)    Do you normally take half your worldly goods with you when leaving the house?
7)    Do you love your husband but at the same time would be totally happy to never see him or spend any sort of quality time with him?
8)    Do you think mum buns and track pants are the height of fashion?
9)    Are you comfortable with little people watching you poo and then looking in the toilet and commenting on the size and quality of said poo afterwards?
10)  Would spending all your money on nappies and formula and shoes your toddler refuses to wear and having no disposable income suit your lifestyle?

If you answered yes to the majority of the above questions, congratulations! You would love having two children under two! Please move into my house!


Not long after Eric was born I found this two under two support group on Facebook and it has been such a lifesaver for me. The other day a mum posted a massive rant about how she was having such a horrible time and ended it with “why did I decide to do this again!?”

I was interested in people’s responses to this, because it is something I ask myself on a daily basis.

An older mum, whose two under two are now both school aged, replied with this…

“You did this because it is easier to run through fire than slowly walk.”

I thought that was just so perfect.

Right now my life is fire. The nights are long and exhausting, the days much the same, and yet time moves so quickly. I already have a 3 month old. In 8 weeks’ time my oldest will turn 2 and I won’t even have two under two anymore.

Initially I thought we had made a mistake having two kids so close in age, but I have changed my mind now.

Yes it’s hard, and I don’t love the little baby stage, but I love the fact that at 26 I can already tick ‘have kids’ off the bucket list. I love the fact that both my kids will be at school by the before I turn 32. Basically, I love the fact that we are getting this bit over with so we can move on to family holidays on the gold coast and I can stop getting my boobs out in public.

In the meantime, I am learning to appreciate the fire. Because sooner than I think my babies will leave me, and there will be no one to say “Big poo mum! Nice!”

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