Monday 16 January 2017

MILF porn - can we actually not though

According to last week’s delightful Herald article, one of the most searched terms on PornHub is ‘MILF’. If you don’t know what that means, please immediately stop reading and congratulate yourself on being too pure for this world.

“MILF?” What is MILF porn?” I asked my friendship family. “Is there a close up of the C-section scar? Does she have to stop half way through to express? What makes it MILF porn?”

Apparently, ‘MILF porn’ is less about the fact the female is a mother and more to do with the whole older woman/younger man thing and the female having a certain ‘look’.

I did some research (G rated in case anyone’s wondering) on the most successful and celebrated MILF porn stars, and none of them looked like any mother I have ever seen in my life. Not entirely surprising though, as out of the ten I researched only one was an actual mum, and several were directly quoted as saying they never want children.

Basically my research concluded what everyone already knows, porn is totally not real. If we were going to give ‘MILF porn’ a more honest title it would be “porn for men who enjoy watching surgically enhanced women in their late 40s pretending to be mums”, but that’s nowhere near as catchy.

Anyway, I think the young aspiring dads of my generation deserve to know what they are in for when their partner becomes a mother, so I made a list of all the ways I’m way more sexy since creating life.  

1)    New and exciting body changes

Growing a human inside you and then having to somehow get it out and be its sole food source for several months basically destroys your body. Needing an emergency C-section meant that the whole child birth thing, both figuratively and literally, scarred me for life. It doesn’t matter how many squats I do or how many litres of bio oil I pour on it, my scar will always remain. I really don’t mind it, it’s so low down that unless I make some very poor life choices in the future only my husband and health professionals will ever see it, but I know it must be really sexy for The Accountant. Every time he sees it it’s like “hey remember that time your wife got cut open and you thought your child might die!?” So hot.

Also, your boobs are just not the same. I thought I would be the immune to this phenomenon given the fact that there are literally twelve year olds who have bigger boobs than me, but this was not the case. I mean, they’re not hanging out down by my ankles or anything, but their best years are definitely behind them.

And, as if these two things weren’t enough, when Conrad was a few months old I randomly started getting thrush. I had never experienced this before, so the first time I got it I made an appointment with Family Planning and started looking into divorce lawyers because I assumed The Accountant had given me some horrible STI. He hadn’t, it was just thrush, but it was still pretty horrible and I got it like three times. When I went back to my lovely GP for the third time I was like “why does this keep happening to me please make it stop!!” And she said sometimes woman find they are more prone to it after having babies and no one really knows why, it’s just a thing. Then she suggested I try wearing 100% cotton underwear coz it breaths better. I used to have really nice underwear, like from the Heidi Klum Intimates range, with lace and satin and cute little ribbons. Now I have been reduced to the Rio bulk packs you get from the Warehouse. Very comfortable but probably not commonly featured in MILF porn.

2)    Always Tired

Before children, I hardly ever played the “too tired” card. It could really only be used in extreme circumstances like if I’d just come off night shifts. However, the reality of looking after little people is that you are just in this constant state of tired. Spending an entire day with a toddler is completely exhausting because it’s hours of convincing them to eat something other than grapes and preventing them from seriously injuring themselves and having conversations like this…


“What’s that Conrad?”

*frantically pointing at nothing” “Dacoombrah! Dacoombrah!”

“I really don’t know what you’re…”

“Dacoombrah mum! Dacoombrah dacoombrah DACOOMBRAH!!!”

“Dacoombrah isn’t a word Conrad!”

This can last anywhere from 20 minutes to 5 hours.

These days I require at least 24 hours’ notice prior to any intimate contact just so I have time to mentally prepare and psyche myself up for it. I know spontaneity is probably way sexier, but quite frankly Conrad spontaneously deciding to throw all his dinner on the floor, or empty a box of tampons in to the toilet, provides me with all the spontaneity I could ever need. If anything it’s a completely overwhelming sort of soul destroying amount of spontaneity….

3)    Decreased self-care

Pre children, I used to have a haircut every twelve weeks like clockwork. I had the confidence to book these appointments in advance because I was an adult with no dependents who might decide to stay awake all night teething or feel the need for a 1am road trip to ED.

These days, I can’t even remember the last time I had a haircut. My hair is constantly in a messy bun, and it is not uncommon for me to go several days without brushing it. I have had more than one dreadlock.

This is what The Accountant gets to come home to every night. On top of this, I am more often than not covered in food or mud or snot or some other mysterious substance curtesy of the child, and I sometimes forget to put deodorant on.

And yet he still comes home every night, and not to fire up the laptop to look at MILF porn, but to talk to me and spend time with me and love me, despite the mysterious substances and the scar and the occasional dreadlock and the antifungal cream I had to put up my vagina. Because The Accountant is a kind and sensible man, who knows that this is just our life right now. That I am not always going to be the super sexy perfect spouse and he isn’t either, because we’re very busy and very tired, but that’s ok, because we still have a really great life.

Here is what I think ‘MILF porn’ does. It sets yet another impossible target for mums to try and aspire to. We already have to have children that aren’t fussed over but are also never left to cry for more than eight seconds and we have to make all our own organic sugar free baby food and not let them near any screens until their 27 months old and even then only for four minutes a day. And now on top of all that here is the NZ Herald being all MILF IS THE MOST SEARCHED PHRASE ON PORNHUB BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT MEN WANT AND WHAT THEY WILL SOON COME TO EXPECT BECAUSE CONTINUED VIEWING WILL ALTER THEIR PERCEPTION OF REALITY.

Well PornHub, and the morally deprived horse it rode in on, can bugger off.

Because yes, if you look solely at the physical changes motherhood causes, it’s not that sexy, and most of us are never going to look like MILF porn actresses.  

But, finding a women who is willing to go through all that stuff, plus consistently put her desire for a haircut and a pedicure second to the needs of your child… that, in my opinion, is pretty damn hot. And, if you’re a guy reading this who has found one such woman, I hope you know how lucky you are.

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